Monday 9 December 2019

Looking after our Koha Garden

LI - We are learning to look after our environment by adopting a koha garden
We have been very lucky to have Mrs Robertson, the gardening guru, with us this year. We have been learning how to weed and water the garden. We also learnt how to grow vegetables from our koha garden. We grew many kinds of vegetables - kale, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and more! We made kale chips and spinach dips and tried some of our vegetables fresh!

Thursday 5 September 2019

Narwhal Inquiry

For part of our Narwhal inquiry, we have had an in-depth look at the physical features of the Narwhal as well as its habitat and what it eats.

Everyone was asked to make the Narwhal out of playdough and write about the process of making the Narwhal, and including all the features.

Take a look at my creation! 

Freddy the Fish

As part of our Under the Sea inquiry, we explored the affects of pollution on sea creatures. 

Freddy the Fish was a happy fish swimming through the clean water. He noticed that the ocean was starting to change. The water was getting warmer and there were more obstacles in his way.

Freddy swam through... soil from erosion, fertilisers, sun off, salt, acid rain, oil from cars and rusty metal. Freddy was not well. We realised that he won't survive long in the sea with all these pollutants contaminating our oceans. 

Friday 28 June 2019

Sink or Float?

Miss Runciman ran a science experiment with us. We wondered how sharks are able to stay afloat and move in the ocean so freely. 

We put water and oil in a small jar, shook it up and saw that the oil rises. 

After some research we found out that a shark’s liver is full of fat and oils and that is how they manage to stay afloat.

A fancy afternoon tea

After our amazing High Tea experience in Room 8/9. We designed pop-up mugs to go with our writing piece. 

This is the high tea experience and my story:

Sunday 31 March 2019

Harold the giraffe & Life Education Van

Li - how to show EPS audience manners

Yay! We were the first ever class to get Harold. 
We remembered to sit still, we sat up straight and listened to the speakers. We sang songs and gave our best. Thank you for visiting our class Harold!

LI - how we all have feelings

The amazing Life Education Van came this year. Room 9 spent two sessions learning about how we have feelings and what kind of feeling we have. We discussed how we show feelings when we are happy and sad. We also discussed about how we can look after each other. Every time we had a discussion, the colour inside the van changed!
Our class sorted these feelings to Warm Fuzzy Bucket and Cold Fuzzy Bucket. Harold the giraffe taught us how to do the banana dance!

The Learning Pit

LI - how to be resilient when I learn something new.

In Room 9 we have watched a video about the Learning Pit. I drew my learning pit and then I drew myself inside the pit. That is when I am learning something new. We have discussed about some ways to come out of the learning pit. 

Here is my idea of getting out of the learning pit.

How do I show resilience when I do something new or something difficult?
When I fall in my learning pit I think of a way to get up. I ask other friends for help. I keep trying and then I get out.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

I am just “WRITE” for our class!

My name is Eason.
I am Year 2. I am in Room 8/9
My teacher’s are Mrs Lim and Mrs Watson.
We are going to have so much fun in our learning this year!