Sunday 31 March 2019

Harold the giraffe & Life Education Van

Li - how to show EPS audience manners

Yay! We were the first ever class to get Harold. 
We remembered to sit still, we sat up straight and listened to the speakers. We sang songs and gave our best. Thank you for visiting our class Harold!

LI - how we all have feelings

The amazing Life Education Van came this year. Room 9 spent two sessions learning about how we have feelings and what kind of feeling we have. We discussed how we show feelings when we are happy and sad. We also discussed about how we can look after each other. Every time we had a discussion, the colour inside the van changed!
Our class sorted these feelings to Warm Fuzzy Bucket and Cold Fuzzy Bucket. Harold the giraffe taught us how to do the banana dance!

The Learning Pit

LI - how to be resilient when I learn something new.

In Room 9 we have watched a video about the Learning Pit. I drew my learning pit and then I drew myself inside the pit. That is when I am learning something new. We have discussed about some ways to come out of the learning pit. 

Here is my idea of getting out of the learning pit.

How do I show resilience when I do something new or something difficult?
When I fall in my learning pit I think of a way to get up. I ask other friends for help. I keep trying and then I get out.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

I am just “WRITE” for our class!

My name is Eason.
I am Year 2. I am in Room 8/9
My teacher’s are Mrs Lim and Mrs Watson.
We are going to have so much fun in our learning this year!